Empowering Facebook Advertisers with Speed and Agility at Scale

The social advertising landscape is fierce, especially for marketers who are managing six to seven figure-advertising budgets. Marketers need to be operating at maximum efficiency, constantly ensuring that their success metrics are being achieved and that they are always iterating their campaign strategy to the changing social ad landscape. You need to constantly switch gears between your left and right brains — to strike a balance between the results you’re seeing now and what you want to see in the future.

For the majority of campaign managers, this agility requires significant grunt work. It’s easy to become bogged down in spreadsheets, analytics dashboards, and lines of code to make sure that your campaigns are fully optimized. The bigger your advertising campaigns grow, the more immersed you’ll be in data — not to mention, the financial stakes will be much higher.

Many social advertisers currently employ a mix of tools to run their campaigns that include: 3rd party & internal dashboards along with excel spreadsheets. This presents a challenge – most advertisers need more than a one-size-fits-all approach to fully optimize their advertising campaigns. Switching between spreadsheets and dashboards can create cumbersome workflow management problems for teams of media buyers that can take time away from the creative & analytical requirements of scaling your social paid efforts.

Where Dynamic Ad Management Enters the Picture

One of the leading challenges we see in the marketplace is for an advertiser to easily run multiple targeting segments against an equal or greater amount of creative groups, analyze this data in real-time and make inline optimization decisions, all within the same reporting interface. Often times advertisers will find themselves spending hours repeating large amounts of manual tasks such as a bid change or a state (pause/activate) adjustments across their hundreds of ad sets & campaigns all while trying to cross-reference these data points with external spreadsheets. To AdParlor this is a waste of time and a drain on human creativity.

As an example, let’s say that you want to raise the bids of all ads targeting ‘females’ with a CPA lower than $3— with each ad falling into different ad sets or campaigns and at the same time your conversion data is being housed in a third party dashboard. This is typically what you would have to do:

  1. Manually find each Ad ID.
  2. Cross-reference the data in a 3rd party tool by finding the corresponding Ad Id.
  3. Manually adjust bids one at a time.

Can you imagine doing this for multiple campaigns or clients? It’s easy to see why these processes take time and can distract your team of ad operations specialists and media managers from doing what they do best — analyzing trends and identifying campaign decisions that optimize ROI. The more they’re bogged down by the details, the more likely they are to lose sight of the bigger picture.

The AdParlor team realized that there had to be a better way to empower campaign managers to (1) eliminate redundant, repetitive tasks and (2) focus on initiatives that would immediately and efficiently deliver impact.

Dynamic Ad Management: The ability to analyze ad level data & enable real-time inline optimization decisions.

AdParlor’s next generation of dynamic reporting interface allows you to slice and dice your campaign and ad sets based on attributes that you are looking to optimize. Instead of manually adjusting ads one at a time, you can now make changes swiftly — in batches, which will potentially save your team hours of ‘mindless point and click’ time. Here are some examples of what we mean:

Scenario 1:

The campaign manager wants to pause all ads using a specific image that have a CPA above $5 in the last 30 days.

Action: Group by ‘image’, filter by ads with a CPA greater than $5 in the last 30 days and then click the bulk action ‘pause’ for all ads using that image.

Benefit: Time is saved, as the user doesn’t have to manually search for ads, which may require cross-referencing multiple interfaces or spreadsheets of data sets and/or searching through different ad sets or campaigns to pause the ads one at a time.

Scenario 2:

The campaign manager wants to identify which “gender” targeting is driving the highest number of comments across 5 different campaigns and then drive more spend against those ads. The goal is to get a minimum of 10 comments per ad on their iOS targeted ads.

Action: Group by ‘gender’ to analyze the “comment to click” ratio across the 5 different campaigns, then identify whether males or females are the top-performing segment. Then filter by said gender, iOS targeted ads only & ads with 10 or more comments. Bulk raise bids on said ads to 50% higher than the baseline campaign bid levels.

Benefit: This allows the user to in real-time analyze key metrics in their reporting dashboard, identify a trend, filter down into the data to find what the driver of the performance is and make a real-time inline optimization decision “en masse”. We like to call this ROI at scale.

Final Thoughts

The hours in your day are limited – and better spent making intelligent, creative decisions about your campaigns. Don’t let data and spreadsheets bog you down. AdParlor’s Dynamic Ad Management tool can help you do what you do best and concentrate on campaign strategy.