Hey readers,

Welcome to the 8th edition of your go-to marketing newsletter! Summer has come to an end, but the opportunities to elevate your brand’s strategy are only just beginning. This month, we’re bringing you insights and strategies to keep your campaigns at the forefront of this ever-changing digital landscape.

Whether you’re refining your current approach or diving into new territories, we’ve got the tools and tips to help you navigate the journey with confidence. 

And remember, if you’re in need of a savvy, results-driven, and downright brilliant team to partner with, we’re just a click away 😉

Here’s to making this month a standout one for your brand! 🌟

~ The Editors

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In this Edition you’ll find:

  • Graphs, Charts, and Data – Oh My! 
  • Upcoming Webinars & Events 
  • Innovative Approach to First-Party Data Growth and Customer Acquisition
  • Platform Updates & Industry Trends
  • “That’s Hot!” Moments in the Industry 
  • From the Desk of Chase Fortune: Meta’s Game-Changing Ad Updates

Graphs, charts, and data – oh my!

Chart 1 – Top Social Channels for Marketing and ROI

Image Source: HubSpot

Every marketer knows no matter how many times your client tells you they’re interested in awareness or full-funnel marketing, they’re actually interested in driving ROAS or ROI for their brand. When looking at key digital channels in HubSpot’s 2024 State of Marketing report, we can see that Meta platforms Facebook and Instagram are not only the most used but also are noted as yielding the highest return. With a continued focus on video creative & UGC (user-generated content), video entertainment giants, YouTube and TikTok, aren’t too far behind. 

Chart 2 – Cookieless Browser Forecast

Image Source: eMARKETER

You’ve seen it all over your newsfeeds the last few weeks – more cookie deprecation whiplash. 

Here are some takeaways:

  1. High Cookieless Future: Up to 87% of US browsers could go cookieless, reducing third-party tracking.
  2. Chrome’s Impact: Chrome’s user decisions on cookies will greatly influence this shift.
  3. Decline Across All Browsers: Major browsers are moving away from third-party cookies, pushing marketers to adapt.

Check our blog next week for an update to our Cookie Deprecation Guide to help keep you in the know!

Upcoming Webinars & Events

Enjoy this list of hand-selected webinars and in-person events that excite our team or where you might find us! This list was independently curated by our Editors for this edition of AdParlor’s Newsletter, we’re not sponsored by any feature. 

Snap Partner Summit

WHEN: September 17, 12:00PM CT

Register HERE

Join Snapchat for their 6th annual Snap Partner Summit on Tuesday, September 17. They’re excited to share new products and celebrate the Snapchat community.

Top 3 Ways to Align Sales and Marketing Teams for Rapid Growth

WHEN: September 24, 11:00AM CT

Register HERE

We’ll explore how sales and marketing teams can collaborate effectively, unlocking hidden potential for synergy. Through real-life examples and expert insights, you’ll learn how alignment directly impacts organizational performance and profitability. In this session, Demandbase’s Stephanie Quinn, Sr. Director of Integrated and Digital Marketing, Devin Rosenberg, Director of Sales, and Kevin Rooney, Senior Director of Sales Development will share how sales and marketing shape their day-to-day and what key areas are needed for true alignment.

Is this the Make-or-Break Moment for Marketing Effectiveness?

WHEN: On Demand!

Register HERE

The Language of Effectiveness, Marketing Week’s agenda-setting report in partnership with Kantar, is back for a third year. Join this exclusive webinar as we debate the research findings and offer key insights, including: CMOs’ tips on how to establish marketing’s commercial credibility, why creative quality has surged up the agenda, what return on investment (ROI) really means, and real-life examples of how AI is boosting brands’ marketing effectiveness.

AND, if Podcasts are more your thing 🎧,

check out this episode of Ecommerce Coffee Break. The podcast dives into “the challenges that retailers face today with paid media and how you can adopt AI technologies to successfully manage paid media.” Hear from featured guest Drew Smith, Co-Founder at upp.ai, and learn all about AI in paid media.

Case Study Feature: Innovative Approach to First-Party Data Growth and Customer Acquisition

AdParlor collaborated with a top pet food brand to expand its first-party data and acquire high-quality leads amidst evolving data privacy regulations. By deploying targeted lead generation campaigns on Meta and conducting custom surveys on Fluent’s exclusive websites, AdParlor gathered valuable insights from pet owners. The strategy leveraged interest and lookalike targeting with engaging creative and streamlined lead forms, leading to increased lead volume and reduced cost-per-acquisition.  

See the results and discover how this approach worked by reading the full case study HERE.

Tips, Tricks, & Guides

Gen Alpha: A Guide To Reaching The Next Big Spenders

Millennials and Gen Z, step aside, there’s a new generation making waves in the e-commerce space: Born from 2010 onwards, Gen Alpha is still in elementary school, yet they’re proving to be quite the force when it comes to spending power. With a direct spending worth of over $28 billion and an even greater influence over their parents’ wallets, Gen Alpha is quickly becoming the next big focus for brands aiming to secure long-term loyalty and market share.

The Numbers Speak for Themselves

According to a recent Numerator report, 53% of Gen Alpha typically receives some form of allowance throughout the year, and they’re not just saving it for a rainy day. These kids are spending their hard-earned (or birthday gift) cash on everything from snacks and beverages to beauty products and clothes. While the younger members of Gen Alpha are primarily focused on toys and treats, their slightly older siblings are branching out into foods and services. This data shows that even at a young age, Gen Alpha is already impacting the market, but what’s even more interesting is HOW they’re doing it.

Start ’em Young!

“Get them while they’re young” has never been more applicable! Brands that can capture the attention of Gen Alpha today are setting themselves up for success in the future. Think about it–how many times have you experienced a nostalgic flashback when you see your favorite childhood cereal, toy, song, or show? It’ll eventually be the same for Gen Alpha; the products they’re exposed to now will stick with them as they grow older, leading to long-term brand loyalty.

More than that, Gen Alpha’s influence isn’t limited to their own spending. These kids have remarkable sway over their parents’ purchasing decisions – have you seen those 10-year-olds’ Stanley Cup collections? Whether it’s Takis, Squishmallows, or even Drunk Elephant skincare, Gen Alpha is driving billions in indirect spending. Nearly 7/10 Gen Alphas have asked their parents for a product they saw in an advertisement, and 50% did so before they even turned six!

What Works for Gen Alpha?

So how can you tap into this market? The tactics that work best vary by age, but one thing is clear: digital engagement is key. Older Gen Alpha members are increasingly influenced by friends, social media, and influencers. According to an EMARKETER survey on social media platform usage, the 12-and-under cohort is predominantly using YouTube (58%), followed by TikTok (5.5%), and Instagram (5%). 

Companies like Stanley and Lululemon are already leading the game by testing different tactics to target the generation, from TikTok campaigns to influencer partnerships, to get in front of these next-gen shoppers. Brands like them, who are willing to test and innovate, will be the ones that win over Gen Alpha.

Platform Updates & Industry Trends

Tired of feeling like you’re stuck in a game of marketing whack-a-mole, desperately trying to keep up with platform updates and industry trends? Don’t worry, we got you covered with the hottest tips and all the hot-off-the-press updates.

Apple’s iOS 18 Embraces RCS: What It Means for Marketers

At Apple’s recent Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), a game-changing announcement was made: iOS 18 will support Rich Communication Services (RCS). This marks a HUGE shift in mobile communication, particularly in how iPhone and Android devices will interact.

With the adoption of RCS, Apple is paving the way for the eventual phase-out of SMS, replacing it with a more advanced, feature-rich messaging standard. Although Android texts will still be green for iPhone users (I was hopeful about that…), this update is a big win for consumers. AND it’s an even bigger win for marketers. 

Why It Matters: The Rise of RCS in the USA

RCS has been gaining global popularity, particularly in Android-dominant markets like India, Brazil, and Mexico. Brands have already begun running successful RCS campaigns, capitalizing on its ability to offer richer, more interactive messaging experiences. However, the U.S. has been slower to adopt RCS, partly due to the lack of support from Apple, which accounts for a significant portion of the smartphone market.

With iOS 18’s support for RCS, the landscape is set to change dramatically. Apple’s endorsement not only expands the potential reach of RCS campaigns but also enhances the quality of cross-platform messaging. This shift will enable brands to create more immersive and engaging customer experiences, with the potential to drive higher engagement and better outcomes.

What It Means for Marketers

For marketers, Apple’s adoption of RCS is a long-awaited turning point. Companies like Best Buy, Subway, and Warby Parker, which are already leveraging RCS, will now have the opportunity to reach a much broader audience, including millions of iPhone users who were previously excluded from RCS features.

RCS addresses several pain points in current SMS and MMS communications. It resolves issues like lower-quality media, truncated messages, and lack of end-to-end encryption, which means that marketers can now deliver high-quality media, longer messages, and secure interactions, providing a much richer experience for users.

Here’s how RCS will transform mobile marketing:

  1. More immersive and interactive customer experiences: RCS enables the delivery of personalized messages and videos tailored to individual users, which increases the relevance and impact of marketing communications, leading to higher engagement rates.
  2. Enhanced interaction with quick-reply buttons: RCS allows for the integration of quick-reply buttons, which streamline customer interactions. This feature is particularly useful for chatbot-like interactions, where customers can respond or take action with just a tap.
  3. Location-based suggestions: With RCS, marketers can offer location-based suggestions, guiding users to nearby stores or highlighting local deals. This adds a layer of personalization that can drive foot traffic and boost sales.
  4. Dynamic carousels: RCS supports dynamic carousels, allowing users to swipe through various options within a single message; this being ideal for showcasing multiple products or offers.
  5. Rich media sharing: RCS allows for sharing high-resolution images, videos, and GIFs without quality loss, unlike traditional SMS.

A New Era for Mobile Marketing

Apple’s support for RCS isn’t just another tech upgrade; it’s a strategic opportunity for brands to rethink how they engage with consumers. This update will allow for new avenues in crafting personalized, immersive experiences that go beyond the limitations of traditional SMS. The ability to integrate rich media, interactive elements, and real-time engagement into messaging allows for the creation of campaigns that are not only more impactful but also more aligned with the digital behaviors of your consumers.

Ultimately, RCS is more than just a messaging standard – it’s a new strategic tool that, when leveraged effectively, can transform how brands can become better positioned to lead in a more connected and interactive marketplace.

Pinterest Testing New AI Features With Performance+

Pinterest is cranking up the creativity with its latest experiment: generative AI tools. Imagine having a creative assistant who not only sparks fresh ideas but also fine-tunes your ad campaigns for maximum impact. These new AI-powered features promise to take the hassle out of media buying and make the creative process smoother than ever, making us even more obsessed with Pinterest!

Here are some features that we’re looking forward to:

  • Performance+ Beta: This AI-driven media buying solution automates and optimizes ad placements across Pinterest. By using machine learning to adjust bids and placements in real-time based on campaign goals, audience behavior, and historical performance, this feature is designed to maximize ROI for advertisers
  • Campaign Optimization: The AI tool continuously learns and adapts, improving the efficiency of ad spend over time by fine-tuning targeting and placement strategies.
  • Automated Creative Suggestions: Pinterest’s generative AI can suggest creative elements such as headlines, images, and layouts that are likely to perform well based on past data and current trends. 
  • Content Personalization: The AI can personalize content to match the preferences of different audience segments, including tailored visuals, copy, and even CTAs based on user behavior and preferences.
  • Predictive Analytics & Real-Time Performance Tracking: These tools will bring predictive insights, real-time analytics, and reporting. You’ll be able to anticipate which creative strategies and placements are likely to perform best, monitor campaign performance, and make quick adjustments as needed. 
  • AI-assisted Pin Creation: AI can help create Pins by generating design elements, text, and layouts that align with the brand’s aesthetic and the platform’s best practices. 
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Collaboration tools will enhance cross-teamwork by providing AI-driven insights and recommendations that can be shared across different departments.

“That’s Hot!” Moments in the industry

Trending news we just HAVE to comment on.

How Brands Won Gold at the Olympics (and What Your Brand Can Learn)

The Olympics may only roll around every two years, but the marketing insights we learned from Paris 2024 are valuable for the rest of the year – especially for the holiday season. Here are five takeaways that your brand can run with through 2024.

  1. Big Tech, Big Ads, Big Warnings for AI

Google, Meta, and Microsoft all showcased their generative AI capabilities through ads and showed how their tech could help with everything from boxing lessons to marathon training. While genAI had its big moment, some of the ads missed the mark. Google’s “Dear Sydney” ad featured a dad using AI to craft a fan letter to track Olympian Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone, aimed for the heart but viewers felt it lacked the human touch, prompting concerns about how genAI might sap creativity. On the other hand, Apple played it cool with a privacy-focused ad for Safari, neatly sidestepping the AI hype and instead showing off its security features. 

What’s the move? Consumers are more and more aware of privacy and the impact of AI. Brands should be mindful of how they integrate AI into their messaging, and make sure to emphasize human connection – when in doubt, take a cue from Apple – privacy sells.

  1. Olympians Win Gold in Influencing🥇

From Simone Biles to Henrik Christiansen (the “muffin man”), Olympians used TikTok to share BTS glimpses of life in the Olympic Village. From cardboard beds, hair routines, or just munching on chocolate muffins, these athletes turned into content creators.

What’s the move? If Olympians can use their platforms to build relatable and engaging content so can brands. Leverage influencers who can tell authentic stories that resonate with your audience through upcoming holidays, events, and seasons.

  1. Skirting the Rules… Just a Little

Thanks to Rule 40, non-official Olympic sponsors have their hands tied when it comes to using Olympic content in ads, BUT brands didn’t let that stop them. Companies like Away and Duolingo found a loophole in these restrictions by hopping on TikTok trends that didn’t directly reference the Olympics but still played on the spirit of competition.

What’s the move? You don’t need to be an official sponsor to ride the wave of current events. For upcoming holidays, think of ways to participate in trending conversations, whether it’s a TikTok trend, a challenge, or a nod to pop culture, be creative and hop on the bandwagon!

  1. Women on Top! 💪

The Paris Olympics put women’s sports in the spotlight, with US women’s teams shining in gymnastics, soccer, and literally everything else. This year also marked a milestone: equal pay for Team USA women athletes!

What’s the move? Women’s sports are gaining traction, and so is the potential for marketing to these audiences. Your brand should look to support women athletes and teams, as well as leverage partnerships that highlight the achievements of women in sports. 

  1. Streaming Streaming Streaming 📺

Streaming and CTV had a MASSIVE Olympics. BBC Sport more than doubled its Tokyo 2020 streaming numbers, and NBCU’s multiscreen Peacock coverage was wildly successful. The takeaway? Live sports are a driving force for CTV – and that trend isn’t going anywhere.

What’s the move? The holiday season is prime time for family gatherings and thus, screen time. Consider investing in CTV and streaming ads, especially those tied to live events or seasonal specials. (If you’re unsure how to do this, AdParlor does and would love to help 😉) 

From the Desk of Chase Fortune

Welcome to “From the Desk Of” – a unique feature section where the talented minds at AdParlor share their insights, expertise, research, & experiences with our readers. We love a good dose of creativity so you’ll see these topics change from month-to-month with a consistent focus on innovation, strategy, & creative in the paid social industry.

This month, we’re diving into Meta’s Game-Changing Ad Updates.

TLDR: Meta has announced major updates to its ad optimization and reporting tools, set to roll out in 2025. Key features include Conversion Value Rules, allowing advertisers to assign different values to conversions within a single campaign, Third-Party Analytics Integration for enhanced cross-channel attribution, and a new Incremental Conversion Focus that measures conversions likely driven by ads. These changes offer more granular control, better data integration, and a refined approach to measuring ad effectiveness, giving advertisers powerful tools to optimize campaigns and improve ROI.

About the Author: Chase Fortune, Marketing Manager

With nearly a decade of experience in the industry, Chase is a seasoned marketing professional, adept in multiple disciplines from digital media planning & buying to account and project management. For the last three years, Chase has worked with AdParlor, first on the client account side, and now on the marketing side of the business. 

When he’s not planning his next big campaign for a client or researching the latest trends, you can most likely find him in his CrossFit gym 🏋️ or out on the mountain biking trails! 🚵

Want to read more? Check out the full blog HERE!