Feature Report – Twitter Mobile App Promotion (MAP)

June 30, 2014
What is it?

Twitter has developed a full suite of targeting, creative and measurement tools to enable advertisers to promote their mobile apps. For marketers, this means a rich native ad unit that users can easily install directly from the Twitter timeline.

The ads include the app name, custom icon, custom description, and space for other key characteristics like rating and price, and a download button that connects users directly to the App Store or Google Play. Plus, the native ads have a consistent design that compliments the user experience.

Our New Advertising Platform

After years of managing thousands of performance-based advertising campaigns, AdParlor has built a new, powerful, easy to use, objective based platform. Highlights of the new platform include the Bulk Uploader the Bulk Campaign Manager and Rules Engine.

  • Bulk Uploader

    Allows you to create ads with a varying combination of cards, tweets, and all available targeting options – you then can create hundreds of tweets and campaigns in just one click.

  • Bulk Campaign Manager

    This robust functionality empowers you to perform relevant bulk actions across multiple campaigns with just a few clicks – some of these actions include bid, budget, and status.

  • Rules Engine

    Evaluate multiple pieces of ad data, such as conversion metrics, and then perform corresponding actions to optimize your campaign, such as changing ad statuses, adjusting bids, or creating custom notifications.

Twitter & Facebook Campaign Management from a Single Login

With AdParlor, you have the ability to see and manage Facebook and Twitter campaigns from the same advertiser. It’s easy to toggle and optimize between the two social channels – few platforms have this time saving feature.

Fully Managed & Self Service Options

We’re putting the power in your hands – it’s up to you, you can choose our Self Service option where you manage your own campaigns or tap our social advertising expertise with our Fully Managed service.


AdParlor MAP experience from real clients

Travel Client

13X Cheaper

mobile app installs at CPI rate 13X cheaper than previous campaigns

Music Service Client

$3.00 CPI

mobile app installs at a CPI rate under $3 in the US, UK & Germany

Online Retailer

34% Decrease

in CPI for mobile app installs during a three week campaign