Are You Red Carpet Ready?

February 9, 2016
AdParlor Blog Post: Are You Red Carpet Ready?

Any celebrity would stress the importance of putting your best foot forward on the red carpet. Sure, your foot may not have a Versace heel on it, but it’s still vital that your brand comes dressed-to-impress on the most important nights of the year.

Whether it’s the Grammys, the Oscars or even the MTV Awards, top brands know that awards season is the perfect opportunity to perform, especially on Twitter. In fact, during a seven-hour window around the 2015 Grammy Awards, users posted 20.9 million tweets, which were seen 1.6 billion times around the world. Talk about a little bird making a big impact.

So how can you make sure that your brand is red carpet ready this year? The good news is you don’t need to have a million-dollar budget or the ability to cry on cue to land a “best performance” nomination on Twitter. You just need the right people in your corner—and that’s where the experts at AdParlor come in. We’re able to reach the consumers most valuable to your brand by tapping into our exclusive collection of targeting libraries. But it doesn’t stop there. We leverage A/B testing, specialized event targeting, and even real-time data analysis to make sure your Twitter ads a showstopper.

Curious? Check out the video below to see all the ways AdParlor can help your brand take home the prize this awards season.

Check out our case studies for more information on how AdParlor has helped countless brands reach and surpass their social media advertising goals. If you want our help taking your campaign to the next level for awards season, click here. But hurry, time is running out…the band is about to start the cut-off music.