AdParlor Academy Paid Digital Glossary

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BLS (Brand Lift Study)

A Brand Lift Study (BLS) is a research method used to evaluate the impact of an advertising campaign on various brand perception metrics, such as brand awareness, brand recall, brand favorability, and purchase intent. By comparing the survey responses of a group exposed to the campaign (test group) with those of a group not exposed (control group), marketers can quantify how the campaign influences audience attitudes toward the brand.

How does a Brand Lift Study work?

In a Brand Lift Study, two groups are surveyed:

  1. Test group – Exposed to the ad campaign.
  2. Control group – Not exposed to the ad campaign.

Survey responses are collected on key metrics such as brand awareness, recall, favorability, and purchase intent. The lift is calculated by comparing the difference in positive responses between the test and control groups.

A beverage company conducts a BLS to evaluate the effectiveness of a new TikTok ad campaign. They surveyed two groups: one exposed to the ads and one not. By comparing the survey results, they determine the ad's impact on brand awareness and purchase intent, finding an increase in positive brand perception among those who saw the ad.

Why is a Brand Lift Study important?

A Brand Lift Study helps marketers understand how an ad campaign affects brand perception, going beyond direct conversions to evaluate how the campaign shifts brand awareness, favorability, and purchase intent. This type of study is critical for optimizing brand messaging and ensuring that marketing efforts have a lasting influence on consumer perception.

Who should use Brand Lift Studies?

  • Brand marketers
  • Digital marketers
  • Paid social marketers
  • Media buyers
  • Market researchers
  • eCommerce businesses
  • Consumer goods companies
  • Campaign strategists
  • Performance marketers
  • Data analysts

Use it in a sentence:

The brand team conducted a Brand Lift Study after launching a series of TikTok ads to measure the campaign’s impact on brand awareness and purchase intent, ultimately helping them refine their messaging for future efforts.
